Practicing What I Preach — ESCAPING DELETE

ESCAPING DELETE will go on sale shortly and the “New & Improved” Reality Check will come out of the closet. Fifteen years ago we had no book or no slick website but our mission and message have remained unchanged: we help clients put wayward Information Technology projects back on track.

In 1984 I helped a large manufacturing company implement an early ERP system. My technology implementation career brought me through the hallways of the world’s largest IT consulting firms and their clients. While I continue to marvel at technology’s might, I am equally amazed at the inconsistent results that large IT projects bring. Failure, not success, remains the standard. While IT’s power and potential skyrockets, IT’s reality is full of overblown and over budget projects. Despite the fancy advertising by the IT industry, the basic management challenges confronting IT implementation haven’t changed. Potential desperately trails actual. Capability is purchased among fanfare and fanfare turns into rivers of red ink, wasted time, and massive opportunity cost.

ESCAPING DELETE is a lighthearted look at a serious problem. It debunks the IT industry’s heady claims and deflates the collective ego of those who hold sway over, and sometimes strangle, corporate IT.  I wrote the book because I firmly believe that IT will continue to be the engine of progress but that engine ought to be getting ninety miles per gallon, not nine. As Big Data becomes Big Distraction and Smartphones steal our attention from the tasks at hand, we need a massive Reality Check. It’s time to reign in IT, harness that potential, and tightly control its risk.

The Marimba tone on your iPhone is your wakeup call!  For a preview of ESCAPING DELETE, please visit Reality Check’s contact page and send me your information.

Jon Bellman